2ª Via de Boleto
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(8 primeiros números)

4.7L - Plastic Compression Sprayer - Sani-Control


Technical specifications

1- New nozzle with 0.7mm hole, with lower flow and more resistance against chemical attacks, ensuring better control of surface application.

2- Two levels of filtration, in the valve cable and in the nozzle.

3- Safety valve with automatic air escape in case of excess pressure.

4- Rotating lance with adjustable tip to change the angle and distance of application of the product.

5- Super 5 valve, with double lock for continuous spray and against accidental opening.


Technical Specifications

Tank ............................ High Density Polyethylene
Pump ..............................................Polypropylene
Work pressure ............................. 45psi (300KPa)
Total capacity ..................................4,7L (1,25gal)
Useful capacity ................................. 3,8L (1,0gal)
Net weight ...................................... 1,5Kg (3,3lbs)
Packaging ................................. 325x125x435mm

Accessories for this product

There are no accessories for this product

Safety recommendations

Utilization of Personal Protction Equipment
After using your equipment, carry out proper cleaning
Read the equipment manual or tecnical bulletin
Carry out periodical maintenance on your equipment
