Disinfection of public and residential environments is essential to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
The use of disinfection equipment assists in ensuring hygiene, the greatest weapon to protect the population from infection Cases of death...
As a Responsible Producer, you should always be concerned about caring for, preserving, protecting and sustaining every aspect of your production chain. Therefore, you should be guided by the concept of sustainability always seeking , alternative energy solutions, more economic methods, better working conditions and safe environmental practices in your cultivation processes. We at Guarany are aware of this need and we have created the Responsible Producer Guidelines with information and tips that can help you to adopt responsible and efficient cultivation methods.
DownloadThe use of disinfection equipment assists in ensuring hygiene, the greatest weapon to protect the population from infection Cases of death...
According to data from the Ministry of Health, cases of dengue, chikungunya and zika virus grew 46% in the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same...
Agradecemos o interesse em enviar o seu currículo, em nome da Guarany!
Esclarecemos que as informações contidas em seu currículo e seus dados serão tratados de forma confidencial, conforme estabelece a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados nº 13.709/2018.
Caso V. Sa. não seja contratado referidas informações ficarão armazenadas pelo prazo de 02 (dois) anos para novas vagas, e, posteriormente, serão eliminados.
Contudo, caso venha a ser contratado, tais informações continuam a ser tratadas de forma confidencial e serão mantidas em nossos arquivos de acordo com os prazos fixados em Lei.
Data: 19/01/2025